

Solar cell Windows Mobile concept

The increasing of phones' standby time has been a hot topic for a long time, as handsets with more and more features need an increasing amount of energy, a thing that the battery manufacturer industry cannot keep up with. The use of solar panels is not a new idea, as we could have seen such things in a number of Chinese cell phones, but the not so elegant solar cells have somehow always destroyed the overall picture. Apple's recently registered patent hides the huge, but still invisible solar cells behind the display, and these would be on the front, so there's even more chance for the sunlight to reach it. The Eclipse concept, designed by Eddie Goh, doesn't hide the solar cells, but it uses them as a design element, around the 5 megapixel camera on the back. The elegant, Windows Mobile-based phone with a large touchscreen and a slider QWERTY keyboard is unfortunately just a concept, although it would surely be a success in stores too.

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